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Chalet Ulysse - Matterhorn Chalets

Chalet Ulysse

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Accommodation > The Chalets > Chalet Ulysse


Winter season 2024/2025

Fully serviced chalet, weekly prices including professional housekeeping and catering

* on these dates, includes in-chalet fine dining on 6 evenings instead of 4. Early kids' supper service available in all cases.

Prices in CHF
Saturdays ULYSSE
8 guests
12 guests
30-Nov POA POA
07-Dec 21,900 25,900
14-Dec 21,900 25,900
21-Dec* 34900 39,900
28-Dec* 37,900 42,900
04-Jan 22,900 27,900
11-Jan 21,900 25,900
18-Jan 21,900 24,900
25-Jan 21,900 25,900
01-Feb 22,900 27,900
08-Feb 22,900 27,900
15-Feb* 31,900 36,900
22-Feb* 28,900 33,900
01-Mar 22,900 27,900
08-Mar 22,900 27,900
15-Mar 22,900 27,900
22-Mar 22,900 27,900
29-Mar 22,900 27,900
05-Apr* 27,900 32,900
12-Apr* 27,900 32,900
19-Apr* 27,900 32,900


  1. Prices quoted above are in SWISS FRANCS. For prices in other currencies, please ask.
  2. The accommodation is only available on a sole occupancy basis.
  3. Prices include daily housekeeping, breakfast, afternoon tea and fine dining on 4 evenings.
  4. Weeks marked *, prices include in-chalet fine dining on 6 evenings.
  5. Upgrade from 4 to 6 evenings of fine dining - please ask for a quote.
  6. Evening catering includes aperitifs, selected wines and spirits, mineral waters & soft drinks.
  7. Bed & breakfast only - deduct 20% from the above prices.
  8. Self catering options available on many dates - please ask.
  9. Concierge service provided in all cases.
  10. Services & accommodation subject to availability.
  11. For details of the chalets, please visit
  12. Contact us for summer and inter season prices.

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